Are you looking to give your furniture a fresh new look in Oklahoma City? Upholstery is a fantastic way to revamp your beloved pieces without breaking the bank. Whether you want to breathe new life into an old sofa, chair, or ottoman, upholstery allows you to customize your furniture to suit your style and needs. In this guide, we will explore the different ways you can revamp your furniture in OKC through upholstery.

upholstery okc

The Benefits of Upholstery

Upholstering your furniture offers a wide range of benefits that make it a popular choice for many homeowners. Here are some of the advantages of opting for upholstery services:


  • Choose from a variety of fabrics, colors, and patterns to match your decor
  • Personalize your furniture to reflect your style and personality


  • Refresh your furniture at a fraction of the cost of buying new pieces
  • Extend the lifespan of your existing furniture

Environmentally Friendly

  • Reduce waste by reusing and upcycling your furniture
  • Contribute to sustainable living practices

Types of Upholstery Services


Reupholstering involves removing the existing fabric from your furniture and replacing it with new fabric. This process can help transform your worn-out furniture into a stylish and refreshed piece that looks brand new. Here's what to expect during the reupholstering process:

  • Assessment of the furniture's frame and structure
  • Selection of fabric, foam, and other materials
  • Removing old fabric and padding
  • Repairing and reinforcing the frame if necessary
  • Cutting and sewing the new fabric to fit the furniture
  • Attaching the new fabric and finishing touches


If you're looking for a quick and easy way to update your furniture, slipcovers are a great option. Slipcovers are removable fabric covers that can be placed over your furniture to protect it and change its appearance. Here are a few benefits of using slipcovers:

  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • Protect your furniture from spills, stains, and pet hair
  • Swap out slipcovers to create a new look for different seasons or occasions

Choosing the Right Upholstery Fabric

The choice of fabric plays a crucial role in the overall look and feel of your upholstered furniture. When selecting upholstery fabric, consider the following factors:


  • For high-traffic areas, opt for durable fabrics like leather or synthetic blends
  • Consider the maintenance requirements of the fabric

Color and Pattern

  • Choose a color or pattern that complements your existing decor
  • Experiment with bold colors or patterns for a statement piece


  • Explore different textures to add depth and visual interest to your furniture
  • Consider the comfort level of the fabric

DIY vs. Professional Upholstery

While some homeowners may choose to tackle upholstery projects themselves, hiring a professional upholstery service in OKC can ensure a high-quality result. Here are some factors to consider when deciding between DIY and professional upholstery:

DIY Upholstery

  • Requires time, patience, and basic upholstery skills
  • Suitable for small projects or individuals with sewing experience
  • Cost-effective for simple upholstery jobs

Professional Upholstery

  • Expertise in furniture restoration and upholstery techniques
  • Access to a wide range of fabrics and materials
  • Guaranteed quality workmanship and attention to detail

Find a Reputable Upholstery Service in OKC

When looking for an upholstery service in Oklahoma City, it's important to choose a reputable and experienced provider. Here are some tips for finding the right upholstery service:

Research and Read Reviews

  • Look for upholstery services with positive customer reviews and testimonials
  • Ask for recommendations from friends, family, or interior designers

Visit the Workshop

  • Arrange a visit to the upholstery workshop to see the facilities and meet the team
  • Discuss your project requirements and ask for fabric samples and pricing

Get a Quote

  • Request a detailed quote that includes the cost of materials, labor, and any additional services
  • Compare quotes from different upholstery services to find the best value for your money